Monday, July 9, 2007


We travelled into Ottawa on Tuesday morning (July 3) with Rob and after breakfast in town we dropped him off downtown at his office. We were all very disappointed as our favourite breakfast stop, Nick’s, was no longer open. Ron had been going to that restaurant for breakfast and or lunch since 1966 and introduced both Rob and I to Nick and his wonderful food—just a small place with about 8 stools but terrific food.

We headed to Jean Bye’s and off loaded the van once again. We are here to stay until we start our trip back to the west. We will spend the time visiting our many friends and our favourite haunts as well as work in a trip to Connecticut to visit with our American travel friends.

We did solve the mystery of the memory card for the camera. They were able to retrieve those lost pictures from the card and did a reformat which I ought to have done before we started out. They did say that the memory cards likely only last for 3 or 4 years before they start giving problems—the one I was using was only a year old but did have corrupt sectors—they do have a machine that can find the pics and put the images back together so I was able to find and retrieve the pics from Longlac. Oh happy day.

We have found a ceragem in Ottawa—newly open for only 3 days but it allowed us to have a nice 40 minute massage.

It looks like I will not have easy access to a wireless connection while here in the Nation’s capital so this could be the last of the information until we are on the road again. It is wonderful to be here and as always Jean is treating us so well and making her home our home away from home. We will be travelling in Connecticut from June 16-20 and will then stay in Ottawa until the following weekend when we start our trek home.

1 comment:

frankie said...

Mucho hot out here on the west coast this week, so you sure wouldn't need your "sweater" if you were home. No 'humditity' though so we'll survive.
Good to see Sharon looking so well...and still so young. She doesn't look a day older than when I last saw her years ago.
Carolyn's there's a reason to travel east. She makes great sushi too you know. And did somebody say "dessert"?
Sorry to hear that your favourite breakfast haunt (Nick's) has closed. I'm sure one of the stools had Ron's bum print on it... permanently...after all those years, so too bad you couldn't have retrieved that stool as a souvenir. :) I'm sure you have room in the van for it now.
Hi to Robert and Carolyn too. Looks as if you are having a super trip so far............frank