Wednesday, June 27, 2007

buffalo toronto aurora

Wednesday found us back on the road again as we headed north to Toronto and a visit with Pat Maldonado. The radio warned us that the temperature was 32 but felt like 40 degrees with the humidex. I am very grateful for the air conditioning in the van and I am reminded yet again why I am happy that I have moved to the west. This time we had a one car wait at the border—go figure. Pat has just moved into her new Apartment on Davenport Road—a wonderful spot that she is in the process of decorating. WE just missed the unveiling by one day so will have to make a return visit to see the finished product. The furniture and curtains arrive tomorrow. However, we came to visit and that we did. Pat is still working part –time with no immediate plans for retirement. Next year it will be 40 years since we all graduated. Pat also fed us a delicious meal,so......... soon we will have to shop for new duds.

We had an uneventful trip north of the city and back to Aurora in time to meet the school bus—it was Isabel and Brigitte’s last day of school. Mark and Annick joined us and we had an entertaining dinner hour with the family before heading for the park. Sharon and Sohpie will return home tomorrow along with Andree so we will have a Pajunen family gathering.

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