Saturday, June 23, 2007

Toronto visit with Mrs. Kay

Saturday, June 23 and we drove into Toronto this morning to visit with Mrs. Kay—an absolutely perfect day—good company, good weather and good food. We had no problems with traffic but it was amazing to see the number of people out on the road—at one point the 401 going east was at a standstill with 5 lanes of traffic—it looked like one massive parking lot. As well there were two lanes trying to merge onto it. We were pretty happy to be going in the opposite direction.

Mrs Kay treated us to lunch at the Weston golf course and it was warm/cool enough for us to sit outside and enjoy. We had a fun time catching up on all the news and views.

We came back to Aurora to enjoy pizza with the Williams family. We are certainly eating well on the adventure of ours.

1 comment:

frankie said...

Ah, absolutely wonderful to see the photo of you and 'Granny'. Please save the 'original' for me. That one's going to get a little touch up in Photoshop, and then it will be turned into a framed print! Lovely.....and I know exactly where you and Ruth are sitting as Ruth and I had lunch together there a number of years ago, and I really enjoyed the experience. Hope she showed you the curling club as well...if you haven't already seen it. So wish I could have joined you on Saturday................frank