Monday, June 11, 2007

roche percee to minot

WE did take one detour on the road south and went into a tiny village or group of homes called Roche Percee, a group of strangely eroded rock formations. These outcroppings belong to the Ravenscrag geological formation. Rock layers of different hardness were eroded by wind and water into unusual shapes that were held in esteem by local Indians and covered with rock carvings.

At the border we checked on the Canadian side to have them note what we were taking with us in the car so that our return would be a little easier--we hope. On the American side we were searched as they said we were part of a spot check by the department of agriculture—they were looking for beef and citrus fruits. Fortunately we had eaten in all in Estevan. I am not so sure it was a spot check as they pulled over the people behind us and the motorcycle in front was also checked.

We continued on our way once the border police released us and moved on to Minot with a brief stop at a little Danish town called Kenmare. They have a wonderful old windmill in the centre of town that was built in 1902 and used to grind flour.


frankie said...

"covered with rock carvings."
--Zooming in on your photo reveals these natives had names like "Kent, Jacky(sic)Chan, Melissa and Tom!" :))
And I can only say to the photographer.."what a way to get 'a head' :)) Okay, I'll go to bed now: I'm getting silly :) ....frank

Red Wing said...

Thanks, Frankie. I didn't know I could zoom in on the photos.

Hi Ron! Great shot, Margo. You two rock. ;)